Study programmes at the Trossingen University of Music
The Trossingen University of Music offers students a comprehensive range of courses. Undergraduate degree programmes with a variety of orientations and profiles lead to a Bachelor of Music. Postgraduate and second degree programmes (Master of Music, Master of Arts, Konzertexamen) or a doctorate provide further qualification.

BA I: Bachelor Musik

BA II: Bachelor Musik und Bewegung

BA III: Bachelor Alte Musik

BA IV: Kirchenmusik B

BA V: Bachelor Musikdesign

BA X: Bachelor auslaufende Studiengänge

BA ZP: Zweitprofil im Bachelor

BG I: Bachelor Gymnasiallehramt | Verbreiterungsfach Jazz-Pop




MA I: Master Musik

MA II: Master Kammermusik

MA III: Master Lied/Liedgestaltung

MA IV: Master Oper

MA IX: Master Alte Musik

MA V: Master Vokalensemble

MA VI: Master Orchester

MA VII: Master Performance

MA VIII: Master Neue Musik

MA X: Kirchenmusik A

MA XI: Master Dirigieren

MA XII: Master of Extended Music Education (MEME)

MA XIII: Musik und Bewegung

MA XIV: Musikvermittlung

MA XV: Master Klassenmusizieren

MA XVI: Musik für Menschen im 3. und 4. Lebensabschnitt

MA XVII: Musikwissenschaft

MA XX: Master auslaufende Studiengänge

MG I: Master Gymnasiallehramt | Verbreiterungsfach Jazz-Pop
Advice for Bachelor Programmes (BA I-III & V)
The registration for the profile aptitude test generally takes place during the second semester. It can take place during the first semester at the earliest and must take place in a timely manner during the fourth semester at the latest and the exam must be completed. (§6 (2) SPO).
Available profiles
Artistic-pedagogical profile (for professional teaching in the field of instrumental pedagogy, vocal pedagogy, music and movement pedagogy)
Orchestra/vocal ensemble (for orchestral musicians or professional choir or ensemble singers)
Podium (for a performance career as a soloist or in a chamber music setting).
A second profile can be taken by tightly arranged use of the elective modules: