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Master of Contemporary Music

The focus of the Master's programme in Contemporary Music is on the study of instrument-specific requirements, sound design and form, stylistic and aesthetic questions of interpretation, contextual knowledge, and the development of a representative repertoire - in each case in the context of the stylistic pluralism of modernity. The aim is to develop, critically question, justify and musically realize one's own artistic ideas.

Prof. Sonja Lena Schmid

Ensemble and digital performance (Landeszentrum MUSIK-DESIGN-PERFORMANCE)



Brief Information about the Program

Regular Length of Study:4 or 2 semesters, depending on the program
Beginning of studies:Winter and Summer Semester
Application Time Frame:For the next WS: March 1st-April 1st. 
For the next SS: October 1st-November 1st

Kurz-Infos zum Studium

Regelstudienzeit:4 bzw. 2 Semester
Studienbeginn:Winter- und Sommersemester
Bewerbungszeitraum:WS: 01.03.-01.04. 
SS: 01.10.-01.11.