Studierendenwerk Tübingen-Hohenheim
The Studierendenwerk Tübingen-Hohenheim, in cooperation with the universities, is responsible for the social support and assistance of students at nine university locations in Baden-Württemberg, including the universities of Tübingen and Hohenheim and the Trossingen University of Music.
Services of the Studierendenwerks
The Studierendenwerk Tübingen-Hohenheim, in cooperation with the universities, is responsible for the social support and support of students at nine university locations in Baden-Württemberg, including the universities of Tübingen and Hohenheim and the Musikhochschule Trossingen.
Mensa and Cafeteria
Employee of the Studierendenwerk: Romana Scroppo
Schultheiß-Koch-Platz 3, 78647 Trossingen, Tel. 07425/9491-27
During the lecture period, the cafeteria is open as follows:
Mon-Thu 8:30am–4:00pm and Fri 8:00–3:30pm
A warm lunch is offered to students for €3.25.
Times of the lunch distribution (only during the lecture period):
Mon-Fri 11:30am–1:30pm. Snacks and drinks at the vending machines.
Office for Educational Support
The Office for Educational Support processes applications for training grants in accordance with the Federal Training Grants Act (BAföG).
Listplatz 1, 72764 Reutlingen, Postal address: Postfach 25 05, 72715 Reutlingen,
Tel. +49 7121/68088-0, Fax +49 7121/68088-59
Telephone opening hours Infopoint: Mon-Thu 9:00am-12:00pm and Tue 1:00pm-3:30pm
Office hours for personal advising: by appointment
Telephone office hours (processing): Mon, Wed 1:30pm-3:30pm and Tue, Thu 9:00am-11:00am
Telephone opening hours BAFöG-Infopoint in Tübingen:
Tue-Wed: 9:00am-2:00pm, Thu 9:00am-12:00pm and 12:30pm-4:30pm
The Office for Educational Support in Reutlingen is responsible for students in Trossingen. We also offer office hours on site multiple times a year.
Application forms are also available for download on the website under BAföG/Formulare.
More information about BAföG, contact people as well as opening hours Öffnungszeiten:
Studierendenwerk arranges KfW student loans
As a local sales partner of the state KfW development bank, the student union offers advice and arranges KfW student loans.The KfW Student Loan is intended to help finance the cost of living – regardless of your own income and that of your parents. The student loan can be combined with the BAföG or the education loan. Collateral does not have to be provided.
Applications for KfW student loans are provided on the online loan portal via the address As a partner of the KfW, the Studierendenwerk also carries out the legally required legitimation check.
Loans Loans are intended for students who are temporarily in an economic emergency. There are two types of financing: Loans up to €4-- and loans from €401 to €1,200. For the latter, a notarized surety bond is required and an additional administrative fee will be levied. Information about credits and loans will be given to you by: Ana Schmidt from the Office for Educational Support, Listplatz 1, 72764 Reutlingen
Tel. 07121 68088-14 : Mon, Wed 1:30pm-3:30pm | Tue, Thu 9:00am-11:00am
Personal appointments by arrangement:
Student Insurance More information at
Statutory Accident Insurance Students are insured by statutory accident insurance during courses as well as on the way to and from the University. More information about insured activities can be found at
Student Accident Insurance Insurance protection exists for students in the event of accidents that occur in connection with their studies and the University, insofar as the statutory accident insurance does not provide insurance cover for this.
Wardrobe and bike insurance The insurance covers items of clothing, items of daily use, learning materials and bicycles in the cloakrooms or at bicycle parking spaces in the area of the educational institutions, insofar as the students are present for lectures, exercises or events related to their studies. The stay in the rooms of the Studierendenwerk is also insured.
In case of damage or for more information, please contact
Barbara Hagenauer from the Central Services Department, Tel. 07071/29-73833,
Legal Advice The Studierendenwerk Tübingen-Hohenheim offers students of their affiliated Universities a free first consulation for legal questions. Business errands are not carried out, i.e. processes are not conducted nor are briefs prepared. A consultation is only possible by presenting a valid student ID card. Personal Consulting: Sabine Gehweiler. Registration by telephone: 07071/9697-16
Psychological Counseling Psychotherapeutic Counseling Center of the Studierendenwerks Tübingen-Hohenheim, more information at Telephone 07071/253960, Fax: 07071/253961 Counseling for all study-related and personal problems (work difficulties, exam anxiety, relationship problems, contact difficulties, etc). The counseling is free of charge and is subject to confidentiality. Registration times: Mon 8:45am–2:00pm, Tue-Thu 8:45am-12:30pm (other times: answering machine); You can find contact addresses of other advice centers that cooperate with the Studierendenwerk at:
Representatives Meeting Tübingen
Members of the Faculty: Prof. Anton Steck (Deputy: N.N.)
Member of the Student Council: N.N.
Contact the Studierendenwerk
Director: Oliver Schill, Friedrichstraße 21, 72072 Tübingen
Residence Administration Tübingen: 07071 / 9697-0
Office for Educational Support: 07121 / 68088-0
Secretariat Management: 07071 / 29-73822
Email: info(at) Homepage: