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Darstellung einer Frau und eines Mannes mit dem Schriftzug: "NEIN zu sexueller Belästigung, Diskriminierung und Mobbing"
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Equality and Equal Opportunities

The Equal Opportunities Officer is responsible for promoting equal opportunities for all members of the university. She represents the interests of equal opportunities in all university matters in the Senate and externally and ensures that the measures agreed in the plan for the advancement of women and equal opportunities are implemented. This includes, in particular, monitoring the appointment procedures for new professorships.

OPEN DOORS | Consultation hours without pre-registration in room 120

  • Wednesday, 06.11.2024, 09.00-11.00 a.m.
  • Thursday, 12.12.2024, 10.00-12.00 a.m
  • Thursday, 16.01.2025, 10.00-12.00 a.m.
  • Thursday, 05.02.2025, 10.00-12.00 a.m.

and at any time by e-mail (see contact details below or gleichstellung(at)mh-trossingen.de)

What does the equal opportunities team stand for?

  • Counselling for all members of the university in matters of sexual discrimination or harassment and in cases of abuse of power
  • Confidential initial counselling and support
  • Enforcement of the constitutionally required equal opportunities for all genders
  • Elimination of existing disadvantages for academic and artistic women
  • working women and female students
  • Protection against discrimination on racial grounds, ethnic origin or religious and ideological identity

We are here for you

Das Gleichstellungsteam der HfM (v.l.): Jonas Wolf, Prof. Dr. Christina Zenk, Prof. Jochen Schorer, Mercé Bosch Sanfélix

Equality Team

Related Links


Equality Commission

The Equal Opportunities Commission consists of teaching staff, students and the equal opportunities representative. They meet once a semester and work together on issues of equality and anti-discrimination. 

Representatives of the Equal Opportunity Officer: Dr. Mercé Bosch Sanfélix, Prof. Jochen Schorer, Jonas Wolf, Prof. Sonja Schmid
Representatives of the Teachers/Administration: Andreas Brand, Mechthild Großmann, Prof. Florian Käppler, Ye-Ran Kim, Raphael Lott, Prof. Andreas Reibenspies
Student Representative: Annika Tarkövi

Pregnancy and Maternity Leave

The university would like to support pregnant women and students with child(ren). To this end, a questionnaire was designed to identify the relevant university members in the first place. The university management has also signalled its willingness to support family-friendly efforts wherever possible. In the meantime, a nappy-changing room has been set up and the canteen has been equipped with highchairs.  

The Maternity Protection Act stipulates that pregnant students should inform the university of their pregnancy. The aim of the law is to protect the health of the student and her child at the place of study during pregnancy, after childbirth and while breastfeeding. At the same time, disadvantages should be avoided during these times. During the statutory maternity protection periods, the university is not allowed to allow pregnant students to study six weeks before or eight weeks after childbirth unless you expressly agree to do so. The declaration is invalid if it conflicts with the result of a risk assessment or a medical certificate. The forms for maternity protection and leave of absence, application for individual part-time work and study time extensions can be found in the download area.

As a family-friendly university, we offer you advice on the compatibility of studies and family. You can also take advantage of the offer without formally reporting your pregnancy. Point of contact is Prof. Dr. Ahner.

Pregnancy notification form

State Conference of Equal Opportunities Officers

The State Conference of Equal Opportunities Officers supports grant programs that support the reconciliation of family and studies as well as family and University teaching activities and/or artistic qualification.

The Mathilde Planck and the Schlieben-Lange Program were developed for this person and has now extended to the needs of music and art colleges.

Mathilde Planck
Schlieben-Lange Program    Program Policies