Digital Concert Space
This vlog presents video posts, short concerts, and performances from the community of the Trossingen University of Music. We hope you enjoy browsing the DIGITAL CONCERT SPACE!
TRAILER: In stile rappresentativo A Monteverdi Pastiche | Positively Brass & Percussion | MUSIKDESIGN Program | From the Sound of Pictures (German-Chinese Project)
TEACHERS: World Premiere Horn solo | Coronae (Prof. Saar Berger) | 3 Schubert Waltzes (Prof. Wolfgang Wagenhäuser) | Songs by Margarete Schweikert (Prof. Andreas Reibenspies) | Schubert Impromptu (Yanica Hristova) | Ave Maria (Prof. Lorenz Duftschmid)
STUDENTS: Jazz/Pop with Johannes Jäck | Interzones by Bruce Hamilton (Justin Auer) | Hildegard von Bingen (Romina De la Fuente)
ENSEMBLES: Klartag (Wind sextett) | Wake up (Förster Combo) | Make me Smile (Big Band) | Audio-Dinner (Music Design) | Almfrieden (Trumpet class) | High Voltage Pylon Jam (Music Design)
WORTH KNOWING: Strategies for Redesigning the Concert Form (Folkert Uhde) | From the Old Wolf to Bach (German-Chinese Exchange)
In Stile Rappresentativo
Students and teachers of the Institute for Performance Practice and the State Center MUSIK-DESIGN-PERFORMANCE explore the traditional material of Early Baroque stage performance and the possibilities of scenographic implementation with digital technology in works by Monteverdi.
Positively Brass & Percussion
A portrait of the 5th Positively Brass & Percussion Symposium" with workshops, concerts, presentations, the organization of a youth competition, and guests Prof. Kristian Steenstrup, Prof. Marie-Luise Neunecker, Katy Jones, Prof. Rex Martin, and Prof. Guido Marggrander.
The MUSIKDESIGN Degree Program
Music design considers work with sound as part of an overall staging, which can be experienced by the listening observers as multi-medial and multi-sensory. We are looking for creative minds with sound in their veins who want to be different from pure interpreters of music.
Listen to Our Teachers

World Premiere for Horn Solo
Dan Yunas Voices (Israel) starting at 0:22 | Marton Illes Psychogramm V. Akaratoskodos (H) 40:05 |
Zeynep Gedizlioglu Virgül (TR)6:26 | Nicholas Olsen Ghost Light (SCO) 46:02 |
Sven-Ingo Koch Keren-Yahar (Germany) 13:38 | Elny Seyedi Sahar (IR) 49:32 |
Geffrey Gordon Roman Rituals (USA) 20:32 | Chris Gendall Siteswap (New Zealand) 56:50 |
Bernhard Gander Incantation (Austria) 26:42 | Olga Rayeva Russian Lullaby & Baby Elephant (Russia) 1:01:08 |
Cathy Milliken Sahara Step (Australia) 32:16 | Valentin Garvie Erke (AR) 1:05:53 |
Prof. Saar Berger proudly presents the piece "Coronae" by Miroslav Srnka as part of the Positively Brass & Percussion Symposium 2019.
3 Schubert Waltzes
Prof. Wolfgang Wagenhäuser proudly presents some Schubert waltzes.
Margarete Schweikert
As part of the "Feminale der Musik – Female Composers" the ZKM Karlsruhe honors female composers with a four-week digital festival. Professor of Voice Andreas Reibenspies performs.
Ave Maria
Prof. Lorenz Duftschmid proudly presents Schubert's famous "Ave Maria" in a version for Arpeggione and MIDI.
Listen to: Our Students
Waldszenen (Forest Scenes) - a collaborative online concert on the subject of nature
Johannes Jäck Jazz/Pop
Interzones by Bruce Hamilton
Bruce Hamilton (born in 1966, Philadelphia, PA) composes and performs music of varying styles. He has worked for more than 30 years as a percussionist, improviser, and electronic musician. Interzones is performed by Justin Auer (former student of Prof. Franz Lang)
Hildegard von Bingen
O virtus Sapientiae by Hildegard von Bingen, performed by Romina De la Fuente, Soprano & Lyre
Listen to: Our Ensembles
The Baroque Orchestra plays Vivaldi
The Baroque Orchestra of the Trossingen University of Music performs Antonio Vivaldi's Concerto for Violoncello, Strings, and Basso continuo in D minor, RV 407
Soloist: Gian-Andri Cuonz, Baroque cello
Concertmaster and artistic direction: Prof. Anton Steck
Recording from April 8th, 2021 in the Kleine Aula of the University
Yair Klartag: "Voglio e non vorrei"
For Wind Sextet (World Premiere): Jure Robek & Mirjam Avango - Clarinet | Thomas Kirbisser & Nicolas Reiter - Horn | Céline Camarassa Castelló & Jung Yoojin - Bassoon | Mizmorim Festival Basel – recorded by SRF 2 Culture.
Wake up – Chichovite Kone
"Wake up" with the Förster Combo in the Winter semester 2020/21: Celine Ergün, Paula Fernandez, Laura Flaig, Friederike Haselberger, Tobias Völklein (Vocals), Beatrix Rey (Bassett horn), Ursa Voigt (Saxophone), Alexander Zweifel (Drums), Daniel Bruder (Bass), Thomas Duttenhöfner (Keyboards & Percussion), Thomas Förster (Darabuka & Direction).
Overdub Project
Matthias Anton: "Make Me Smile" | Big Band of the Trossingen University of Music. Overdub Project of the Big Band Summer semester 2020.
The Trossingen Trumpet class remains creative even at home and presents "Almfrieden" here.
High Voltage Improvisation
High Voltage Pylon Jam – Henry Brandstetter and Laura Mingo Pérez
Listen to: Something Worth Knowing
Folkert Uhde
At the invitation of the State Center MUSIK–DESIGN–PERFORMANCE the Berlin-based concert designer Folkert Uhde gives a lecture about strategies to redesign the concert form. The virtual guest lecture is available here in its entirety.
From the Old Wolf to Bach
Dr. Hu Chun Chun, PhD in conversation with Prof. Wolfgang Wagenhäuser.
As part of the BWS-plus-Project "From the Sound of Pictures" Prof. Wolfgang Wagenhäuser leads a conversation with Dr. Hu Chun Chun, PhD from the Center for Chinese-German Societal-Cultural Exchange at Tongji University.