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Quality Assurance and Evaluation

The Trossingen University of Music makes intensive efforts to improve the programs as well as study and working conditions at the University. The knowledge and experience of students, teachers and all employees of the university is of particular importance. In order to access this knowledge and experiences, the University will conduct evaluations and surveys. These should not and cannot replace personal conversations, but rather expand on them. They enable a relatively broad and structured collection of important information for the development of studies and teaching as well as the entire university.

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"Quality," artistic and musical quality in particular, is probably the most important concern of the music college education from the beginning. Musical quality stands mainly as an ideal that can never be fully reached, but should continuously be sought after.The responsible committees primarily decide on "structure" and "quality assurance".T hey are therefore of particular importance as the basic structure of quality management. The structure, responsibilities and working methods of the committees are regulated in the statutes, concepts, regulations and handouts of the university. The processes and results, on the other hand, are essentially dependent on the respective actors. Here, the underlying processes and structures can and must be analytically differentiated and critically examined, also with regard to quality assurance. The topics of quality assurance and development require a differentiated view. Universities are called upon to reflect on and further develop their traditional procedures (examinations, scientific discourse, artistic competition).

As a result of the requirements of the State Higher Education Act, that demands a regular evaluation of studies and teaching beyond the previous instruments of quality assurance, the Senate of the University enacted an Evaluation Regulation, which after debate in the Senate was updated on May 15th, 2019. On the basis of these statutes, a teaching evaluation for the students and a system evaluation for the employees and lecturers were carried out at the end of the WS 2020/21, the results of which are expected to be available at the beginning of the summer semester 2020.

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Mission Statement

Teachers and students at the university live their enthusiasm for music and related disciplines in mutual respect. As an internationally renowned training and research center, the Trossingen University of Music fosters a broad spectrum of artisitc forms of expression, aesthetic positions, artistic-pedagogical conceptions, and scientific orientations. The element that connects all of these areas is the mutual understanding of the highest quality. Out of very well-trained sudents go marvelous, responsible musicians, pedagogues, and experts in art, culture, education, media, sciennce, creative economy, and society out into the world. 

We offer an attractive study offering in regularly held teaching in individual lessons, seminars, and groups as well as in artistic and academic projects. In a learning environment of mutual trust and respectful tolerance, we enable an insightful, up-to-date, and challenging education.

Artistic and scientific excellence are just as important to us as artistic-pedagogic saturation, interdisciplinarity, and cultural-spiritual openness.

We use the advantages of innovative teaching and learning formats didactically meaningfully and effectively for a comprehensive, also experimentally oriented study. All committees work together collegially, in order to further develop and improve the teaching at the Trossingen University of Music continuously and sustainably. For us, the focus is on strengthening the motivation, orienting the study goals, and individual the individual promotion of self-reflection, self-confidence and gaining knowledge.

Uniqueness and diversity of the members of our University form the basis of an inspiring exchange. This contributes to making the power of music meaningful in society. We encourage our students' willingness to learn and perform, as well as their enjoyment of music. To do this, we want them to develop the courage to explore new artistic paths, to ask questions, to take advantage of offers of support if necessary, and to deal with themselves in a self-critical and mindful manner.

We are part of a culturally shaped and growing region in an increasingly globalized world. For us, internationalization is a central component and decisive success factor of our overall orientation, development planning and future viability. People from over 50 countries make music, learn, research, and work at the Trossingen University of Music. Networks with partner universities open up new perspectives in innovative cooperation approaches - with digitalized forms of teaching and learning. Students are offered an environment that familiarizes them with the structures and circumstances of the international world of music and culture and prepares them for the needs of an increasingly globalized world of work.