Institute of Music and Movement / Rhythmics
The development continues, also or especially in the field of music and movement. In order to jointly design and implement performance, teaching, and research concepts, the teachers of the Institute for Music and Movement/Rhythmics have joined forces and are cooperating with external artists, pedagogues, researchers, and institutions in the regional, national, and international contexts in both real and virtual settings.
Activities in Overview
Broad support from within the Institute provides a good basis for fruitful discussions and processes. Here, what has always been intensively cultivated in the Department of Music and Movement is continued on a different level. External people can also participate in Institute projects and expertise is expanded. The founding member Doris Schopf (Lighting design / Stuttgart), Hilde Kappes (Rhythmics / Berlin), and Carola Bauckholt (Composition / Freiburg and Linz) are considered renowned in their fields of activity, are connected to Trossingen Rhythmics and also want to get involved as members of the institute.
Exemplary Activities
- Multimedial cooperative projects like the world premiere of "Mehrere Männer" and "Moby Dick“ (available on the Youtube channel)
- Development of concepts for consistent promotion of young talent in cooperation with the LVdM, University colleagues from Baden-Württemberg and international experts, the elementary schools, and the Music Gymnasium of Trossingen
- Development of training concepts for music pedagogues in cooperation with the LVdM and the Internationalen Musikschulakademie Schloss Kapfenburg
- National and international expert and association activities
- Awarding of doctoral scholarships "Music pedagogy with a focus on inclusion"
- Mediation of internships in state theater productions and independent performance groups (She She Pop, Angie Hiessl, God's Entertainment)
- Acquisition of third-party funds for innovative teaching and research
- Maintenance and further development of alumni contacts
- Association activities in the professional associations working group music and movement / rhythm at universities AMBR, rhythm / music and movement south RMBS, La Fédération Internationale des Enseignants de Rythmique FIER, state association for cultural youth education BW LKJ, state association of music schools LVdM BW, federation of music educational associations, working group of leaders music education courses in the Federal Republic of Germany ALMS, AG artistic-educational courses - an institution of the Rectors' Conference of the German music colleges