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Master in Secondary Education (Gymnasiallehramt)

The first eight semesters of the Bachelor's degree in secondary education are followed by a four-semester Master's degree in secondary education (Master of Education). Students are then qualified for the preparatory service (internship).

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Master of Secondary Education

The Trossingen University of Music or the university at which the Master's thesis module was completed will award the graduate the academic degree "Master of Education (Secondary Education)" after all module completions have been successfully passed and the Master's examination has been passed.

Quick Info about the Program

Regular Study Time:8 semesters
Beginning of Studies:Winter and Summer semester 
(Music Design: only Winter Semester)
Application Time Frame:WS: March 1st-April 1st
SS: October 1st-November 1st



Regelstudienzeit:4 Semester
Studienbeginn:Winter- und Sommersemester
Bewerbungsschluss:WS: 15.04. 
SS: 15.11.