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Master's degree in Opera

The programme offers a deepening and further development of knowledge, skills and artistic self-image for the profession of opera singer at a high artistic level.

It offers a flexible framework for an individual and independent study programme with intensive practical relevance. The focus is on the study of opera repertoire and roles. The main challenges of the programme are mastering specific vocal requirements, text comprehensibility, sound design and shaping, expressiveness and creative ability in scenic performance, spatial understanding and orientation, gestures, facial expressions, scenic choreography, stylistic and aesthetic questions of interpretation, contextual knowledge, the development of a representative repertoire, stage presence and performance skills. Body and movement work support the artistic performance.

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Study regulations for Master of Opera

Contact Person

Prof. Andreas Reibenspies


Phone 0171/7543822


Brief Information about the Program

Regular Length of Study:4 or 2 semesters, depending on the program
Beginning of studies:Winter and Summer Semester
Application Time Frame:For the next WS: March 1st-April 1st. 
For the next SS: October 1st-November 1st

Kurz-Infos zum Studium

Regelstudienzeit:4 bzw. 2 Semester
Studienbeginn:Winter- und Sommersemester
Bewerbungszeitraum:WS: 01.03.-01.04. 
SS: 01.10.-01.11.