Mission Statements of the University
The Trossingen State University of Music has agreed on a mission statement in a participatory process.
Here you will find:
The Mission Statement of the Trossingen University of Music
The mission statement of the Trossingen State University of Music was developed in a participatory process by members of our university. It should be subject to regular further development. We want to make the attitudes and values set out in our mission statement the basis of our actions in practice on an ongoing basis.
Universal musical education
The Trossingen State University of Music offers comprehensive artistic, pedagogical and academic education of excellence and breadth as a basis for free, individual and responsible development in the field of tension between tradition and innovation. A degree programme that is flexible in terms of content and structure enables students to prepare for a changing professional world. The early and broad promotion of young musical talent is an important concern for us. At the same time, we are committed to lifelong further education.
Openness and diversity
We are an open-minded university of music, we treat each other with respect as equals and see the diversity of all those involved in university life as an opportunity and an asset. A broad understanding of inclusion, short communication channels and interdisciplinary work help us to create an environment in which everyone feels welcome and can contribute their talents to the university community.
Regionality and internationality
As a cultural and educational institution with an international reach, we are well networked and visible in the region, beyond the region and throughout the world. We utilise the advantages of being a music university in a small town. We have special expertise in musical life outside of large cities. The international composition of our university members enables diverse musical encounters and intercultural learning.
Creative co-operation
We are creative people who develop innovative formats and realise joint projects across disciplines and disciplines both within and outside the university. We cultivate long-standing regional and international collaborations and exchanges and are open to new partnerships.
We create a safe place to study music, work and live together through tolerant, respectful, fair and empathetic interaction and encourage dialogue, participation and (personal) responsibility. Students, teaching staff and administration shape the university together in a participatory and interdisciplinary way.
We are ambassadors for music, preserve and maintain cultural heritage and develop culture further. We take up impulses from society and actively and passionately shape them with the means of art, science and pedagogy. To this end, we promote the initiative of all those involved in university life, especially students, and good working conditions.
We are aware of the preciousness of our resources and therefore treat them carefully and sustainably. By this we mean ecological, cultural, social and health-related treasures.
Mission Statement for Teaching
Teachers and students at the university share a mutual respect and enthusiasm for music and related disciplines. As an internationally renowned training and research centre, the Trossingen University of Music cultivates a broad spectrum of artistic forms of expression, aesthetic positions, artistic-pedagogical concepts and academic orientations. The unifying element of all these areas is the mutual understanding of the highest quality. Highly trained students produce outstanding, responsible musicians, teachers and experts in the arts, culture, education, media, science, creative industries and society.
We offer an attractive programme of study through regular teaching in individual lessons, seminars and groups as well as in artistic and academic projects. In a learning atmosphere of mutual trust and respectful tolerance, we provide a well-founded, up-to-date and challenging education.
Artistic and academic excellence are just as important to us as artistic and pedagogical integration, interdisciplinarity and cultural and intellectual openness.
We utilise the advantages of innovative teaching and learning formats in a didactically meaningful and effective way for a comprehensive, also experimentally oriented degree programme. All committees work together as colleagues to continuously and sustainably develop and improve teaching at the Trossingen University of Music. For us, the focus is on strengthening motivation, focussing on the study objective and the individual promotion of self-reflection, self-confidence and gaining knowledge for students.
The uniqueness and diversity of the members of our university form the basis of an inspiring exchange. This contributes to making the power of music effective and meaningful in society. We promote our students' willingness to learn and perform as well as their enjoyment of music. To this end, we want them to develop the courage to explore new artistic paths, ask questions, take advantage of support services when needed and treat themselves with self-criticism and care.
We are part of a region characterised by culture and capable of growth in an increasingly globalised world. For us, internationalisation is a central component and decisive success factor in our overall orientation, development planning and future viability. People from more than 50 countries make music, learn, research and work at the Trossingen University of Music. Networks with partner universities open up new perspectives for students in innovative cooperative approaches - including digitalised forms of teaching and learning. Students are offered an environment that both familiarises them with the structures and conditions of the international world of music and culture and prepares them for the needs of an increasingly globalised working world.