Music Studies in the Digital Space
A project - supported by the foundation Innovation in der Hochschullehre
MidiR-Course Program for Teachers
The MidiR Team currently offers the following courses:
PAN – Performance Analysis Network
- Introduction to Instrumental Studies
- Film and photo analysis by musicians, who investigate instrumental playing Instrumentalspiel from a formal, functional and artistic point of view.
– New impulses, ideas, insights and perspectives for instrumental playing
Events: Saturday, April 29th.: 10:00am-1:00pm and 3:00-6:00pm
Sunday, April 30th: 11:00am-1:00pm
Place: Kleine Aula
Speaker: Benjamin Ramirez
Target group: All interested students and teachers in the artistic programs and instrumental pedagogy
Participation via Zoom is also possible:
Meeting ID: 970 0408 3981
Password: 584007
Saturday, April 29th 10:00am – 1:00pm:
Introduction to Instrumental Studies
Stage behavior and stage presentation
3:00 – 6:00pm
Unity in instrumental playing
Multidimensionality in violin technique
Sunday, April 30th 11:00am - 1:00pm
Forgotten postures of the violin and viola
Film presentation with Workshop
(Please bring instruments!)
The sound and picture quality of today's tablets and smartphones has by now reached a nearly professional standard. Almost everyone nowadays carries such a device with them and with very little effort, very good recordings can be made. In this workshop, the possibilities for this are presented using practical examples. Additionally, individual questions of the participants can be answered.
Hardware and software, accessories, system preferences and preparation
Recording, image composition, light
Post-production, storage solutions, further transmission
Speakers: Robin Schmidt, Tobias Reiner (HfM Trossingen)
Target group: all interested teachers
Event: (April 21st - cancelled - ) - May 3rd - June 5th - June 16th
Place: DPR (Room 153)
Registration is not required – just come by!
What do I have to know in order to make a good-sounding audio recording with basic equipment, for example to document concerts or interpretations, lessons, or to reflect on my own practice sessions? Which parameters and influencing variables are there for good audio recordings?
This online workshop shares theoretical basic knowledge on the following topics:
- Instruments in a space
- Microphone types and characteristics
- Stereophony
- Microphone placement
- Post-processing outlook
Event: Thursday, May 4th, 2023 7:00 - 8:30pm
Place: Online via Zoom (Link upon registration)
Target group: all interested teachers
Prerequisites: none
Registration via Link: Audio recording made easy – good sound with simple means (pretix.eu)
Speaker: Wolfgang Rein (SWR Baden-Baden)
The classrooms in building sections 1 and 2 were outfitted with modern digital technology. How does the new infrastructure work, how do you use them and how are they tailored to the needs of the respective users?
Speakers: Robin Schmidt, Tobias Reiner (HfM Trossingen)
Target group: all interested teachers
Events: April 11th; April 17th; (April 26th - canceled -); May 12th; June 1st; June 23rd; July 4th - each at 9:30-10:30am, and by individual appointment.
Meeting place: Room 122
An open, easy get-together for questions, motivation, and exchange of experiences for everyone who uses (or wants to use) digital technology in their teaching.
Please just come by - a registration is not required. If needed, further appointments can be arranged individually.
Events: April 14th; April 28th; May 26th; June 30th; July 14th, each at 9:00-10:00am
Location: Room 153 (Digital Performance Room)
How do you teach music theory in the jazz and pop areas nowadays? In addition to the tried-and-true analog approaches, digital tools are used in a variety of ways and sensibly combined.
Topics: Notation software, music production software, playing music from the Internet, slide shows, hybrid modes of operation
Where and When: TBA
Speaker: Thomas Förster (HfM Trossingen)
Topics: Camera angles, lighting, image composition, post-production
Where and When: TBA
Speaker: Paul Jacot
Music in the form of audio and video files and sheet music are available on the Internet in an inexhaustible abundance in every imaginable quality and for various purposes. This Workshop is aimed at everyone who wants to access music content on the Internet, search for it in a targeted manner, and work with it reliably and effectively.
- Streaming and downloads of music and video content
- Compare different providers and portals (e.g., Youtube, Spotify, media libraries of the public broadcasting services, etc.)
- Sheet music archive (IMSLP etc.)
- Legal questions (copyright, ancillary copyright, etc.)
- Search strategies
- Privacy, data protection, computer security
Target group: all interested teachers
Event: still open - will be announced in the course of the semester
Location: Online via Zoom (link upon registration)
Speaker: Patrick Kuhn Botelho (HfM Trossingen)
Registration required : MidiR-Kurse(at)mh-trossingen.de
Courses offered so far:
The first steps for beginners in the learning management software program Moodle.
- User interface and settings
- Registration of participants
- Various tools and content
- Use as a communication platform
Event: Tuesday, April 4th, 2023, 7:00-8:30pm
Target group: all interested teachers
Speaker: Dr. Wolfgang Feucht (University of Konstanz/HfM Trossingen)
Online event via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 949 6483 8972
Password: 757453
A brief overview of the new possibilities in the 200's classrooms (Robin Schmidt/Tobias Reiner).
Event: Tuesday, April 4th, 10:00-10:30am
Meeting point: Room 234 (Senate room)
Nowadays, you record concerts in a multi-camera array. This means you see the concert from different perspectives (for example, details like hands on the keyboard, recording of the entire instrumentalist, of the audience...). Creating this very professional-looking video recording of music is easier and cheaper than you might think.
In this advanced training, you will learn how this can be done with just a smartphone, some accessories, and the free editing software DaVinci Resolve.
Prerequisites: Willingness to work on a laptop, bring a smartphone with you (iPhone is best) and a prepared piece of music, three minutes long max on an instrument of choice. Please bring sheet music (if necessary) and your instrument if applicable.
Target group: All interested teachers
Event: Wednesday February 22nd, 9:30am-12:30pm and 2:00–4:30pm
Speaker: Patrick Buttmann (director, film composer, schoolteacher)
You will get to know the notation softward DORICO with Markus Hartmann from the Steinberg company. Newcomers and those switching from other music programs are welcome. In this workshop, new concepts, basic functions, and services of DORICO will be presented.
Event: Monday, January 30th, 2023, 7:30pm
Target group: all interested teachers
Speaker: Markus Hartmann (Steinberg company)
Online event via Zoom: Meeting ID: 832 8583 4953 Password: 748536
More information here in PDF Document
Music in the form of audio and video files and sheet music are available on the Internet in an inexhaustible abundance in every imaginable quality and for various purposes. This Workshop is aimed at everyone who wants to access music content on the Internet, search for it in a targeted manner, and work with it reliably and effectively.
- Streaming and downloads of music and video content
- Compare different providers and portals (e.g., Youtube, Spotify, media libraries of the public broadcasting services, etc.)
- Sheet music archive (IMSLP etc.)
- Legal questions (copyright, ancillary copyright, etc.)
- Search strategies
- Privacy, data protection, computer security
Target group: all interested teachers
Event: Monday, December 12th, 2022, 7:30- 9:00pm
Location: Online via Zoom (link upon registration)
Speaker: Patrick Kuhn Botelho (HfM Trossingen)
Registration required : MidiR-Kurse(at)mh-trossingen.de
What do I have to know in order to make a good-sounding audio recording with basic equipment, for example to document concerts or interpretations, lessons, or to reflect on my own practice sessions? Which parameters and influencing variables are there for good audio recordings?
This online workshop shares theoretical basic knowledge on the following topics:
- Instruments in a space
- Microphone types and characteristics
- Stereophony
- Microphone placement
- Post-processing outlook
Event: Monday December 5th, 2022 8:00-10:00pm
Place: Online via Zoom (Link upon registration)
Target group: all interested teachers
Prerequisites: none
Registration via Link: Audio recording made easy – good sound with simple means (pretix.eu)
Speaker: Wolfgang Rein (SWR Baden-Baden)
The first steps for beginners in the learning management software program Moodle.
- User interface and settings
- Registration of participants
- Various tools and content
- Use as a communication platform
Event: Monday November 28th, 2022, 7:00-9:00pm
Target group: all interested teachers
Speaker: Dr. Wolfgang Feucht (University of Konstanz/HfM Trossingen)
Online event via Zoom – for registration and link, please contact MidiR-Kurse(at)mh-trossingen.de
The sound and picture quality of today's tablets and smartphones has by now reached a nearly professional standard. Almost everyone nowadays carries such a device with them and with very little effort, very good recordings can be made. In this workshop, the possibilities for this are presented using practical examples. Additionally, individual questions of the participants can be answered.
There are three blocks with different thematic orientations:
1. Hardware and Software, Accessories, System Preferences and Preparation
Events: Mon October 24th, Wed October 26th, Fri October 28th – each at 9:00-10:00am
2. Recording: Room Layout, Lighting, Image Composition
Events: Tue November 2nd, Wed October 3rd, Fri October 5th – each at 9:00-10:00am
3. Post-production, Storage Solutions, Retransmission
Events: Mon November 7th, Wed November 9th, Fri November 11th – each at 9:00-10:00am
The individual topic blocks systemically build off each other, but can be attended separately.
Speakers: Robin Schmidt, Tobias Reiner (HfM Trossingen)
Target group: all interested teachers
Place: DPR (Room 153)
Registration is not required - just come on by!
Network 4.0 Certificate and Course Program
The Certificate and Course Program of the Network 4.0 of the Univerisities of Music is open to all teachers.
Information about the available continuing education courses and registration possibilities can be found on the website: https://pretix.eu/netzwerk4.0/
We would also like to draw your attention to the lecture series of the digitalization college Artificial Intelligence in Culture and Arts (AICA) of the HfMT Munich with the following program in the Summer semester: Flyer Lecture Series AICA
MidiR - Music studies in the Digital Realm
The MidiR project (Music studies in the Digital Realm) funded by the Innovation in University Teaching Foundation aims to anchor the cross-sectional topic of digitality more firmly in the everyday life of the University and in the curricula. The changes are reflected in four areas of work: (Thinking:Space), classrooms equipped with innovative technology (Performance:Space), further studies are developed and implemented for and with the teaching faculty, (Teaching:Space), and digitality is anchored as an interdisciplinary topic in the curricula of the University (Program:Space).
The Trossingen University of Music understands the field of tension "Artistic practice - digitality" as an interlocking double helix. The MidiR project proposal enables the practical and hands-on experience of this double helix and sustainably implements multifaceted possibilities to expand musical practice through the use of various digital technologies for students of all artistic programs. The associated fundamental questions are addressed, discussed, experienced, designed and implemented by the MidiR project for teachers and students at the levels of teaching practice, the qualification of teachers, the further development of study programs, and a well-founded and scientific evaluation.
The overall directed of the project is conducted by Prof. Dr. Philipp Ahner.

MidiR (Music studies in the digital Realm)
This project with its four areas https://www.hfm-trossingen.de/hochschule/midir is making great strides. Conversion measures, workshops, program development, and reflections are about to be implemented or are already on the way there. We would like to point out current developments in the MidiR project (Music studies in the digital Realm) and we look forward to a good exchange and active cooperation. The MidiR team can generally be reached in Room 122 (particularly in the morning) and by email.
Conversion Measures on the Second Floor (Rooms 206-228) (Performance:Space)
Since the beginning of the year, all classrooms on the second floor (206 - 228) of building sections 1 and 2 (brick building) are being brought to a sustainable technical standard. This conversion is still taking place and will be completed during the Summer semester. The rooms can be used during this time without restriction.
Please take questions about the facilities and possible usage scenarios to Robin Schmidt (robin.schmidt(at)mh-trossingen.de). The coordination of the interim storage is conducted by Paul Schulz (paul.schulz(at)mh-trossingen.de).
Support and Qualification Offers for Teachers (Teaching:Space)
A central element of MidiR are offerings for teachers so that they can knowledgably handle the technology. In this context, please get in touch with Tobias Reiner t.reiner(at)doz.hfm-trossingen.de, so that offers on the following topics can be set up for you (custom-made):
- Video and audio recordings with basic equipment (camera, light, image composition)
- Microphone recording techniques (space, microphones, recording technique)
- Online instrumental lessons via Zoom
- Education platform Moodle for lesson organization
- Digital Performance Room - introduction to the technology (sound, light, projection)
- Kleine Aula - introduction to the technology (sound, light, projection)
These events are also part of a certificate program that is currently being set up and in the future should be able to be credited as a certification course. Additionally, on-going workshops with external speakers are taking place.Außerdem finden laufend Workshops mit externen Referentionnen und Referenten statt (see above).
Program development Begins (Program:Space)
Requirements, content and organization of course contents is in a constant state of flux. Of course, this is also connected to the changing technological possibilities (particularly in the newly equipped rooms on the second floor). In this regard, Dr. Peter Mall supports everyone involved in the further development of course offerings of University and particularly the study committees. If you have suggestions or questions in this area, please contact Peter Mall p.mall(at)doz.hfm-trossingen.de.
Reflecting changes (Thinking:Space)
The dynamics of the changes in the music world and thus also for the Trossingen University of Music are not insignificant. The MidiR project – Music studies in the digital Realm is actively trying to support and accompany this process. Regular pausing, thinking, reflecting and questioning is of central importance for this. The MidiR team in close cooperation with the various committees and connected discussions (examination days, Round Tables, committee meetings, evaluation board, the Student Council, and personal conversations) is trying to work towards a sustainable and reflective process, which would be widely accepted by the University community. Should you have questions or suggestions in this area, please contact Peter Mall p.mall(at)doz.hfm-trossingen.de, Tobias Reiner t.reiner(at)doz.hfm-trossingen.de, or Philipp Ahner p.ahner(at)doz.hfm-trossingen.de.