Contact details
Phone 0160/99100548
Drama and scenic performance
Petra Wolko received an international theatre education and studied literature, musicology and art history. From 1989-1995 she worked as an assistant director at the State Theatres of Hanover and Karlsruhe, among others. She works as a director at home and abroad. In 1997, she staged Mozart's "Abduction from the Seraglio" for the Migros Genossenschaftsbund, Zurich. Since 2001 she has been the director of acting projects ("Abenteuer Kultur") with apprentices as part of their training at dm-drogerie markt GmbH.
As an acting teacher she teaches at the State Academy of Music in Trossingen, at the Bund deutscher Amateur Theater and was a guest lecturer at the Welsh College of Music and Drama Cardiff (GB). She has been using the methods of theatre as a communication trainer with a focus on body language and speech expression since 1997, among others at DaimlerChrysler AG, Stuttgart, Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Mannheim and dm-drogerie markt GmbH, Karlsruhe.