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Dierk Zaiser took over as assistant to the rector in 2008 and has been a permanent professor in the Music & Movement Department at the Trossingen State University of Music since 1 January 2017. His rhythmic studies in Trossingen from 1990-1995 were followed by active project and teaching activities at music schools, at the Music Academies in Trossingen and Mannheim, at vocational schools and colleges of education as well as with independent organisations.
In the area of his artistic work, he initially worked as an intern, assistant and evening director for various opera productions and was also the director of the rhythm theatre MOBILI, which he founded in 1999. He staged and realised four productions for children and young people with more than 300 guest performances and developed pedagogical accompanying programmes with workshops, further training and publications.
In the field of research, his work focused on the topics of "Music and Rhythmics in Language Development" and "Cultural Work in Special Educational Fields". Dierk Zaiser earned his doctorate in general special education at the Ludwigsburg University of Education on the subject of: "Rhythm and performance projects - opportunities for transforming everyday life in socially disadvantaged young people. A qualitative empirical study". Since 2006, he has been leading BEATSTOMPER - Rhythm and Performance Projects with delinquent and socially disadvantaged young people. From 2009 on, the project was funded by the state of Baden-Württemberg as a model project and was implemented at other locations in Baden-Württemberg. In 2013 he was the first project in Germany to be included in the "Kultur macht stark. Alliances for Education" funding programme of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
His artistic work and his artistic-pedagogical projects have received several awards. For example, he is a two-time prize winner at the "European Rhythmic Competition 1994", a prize winner at the Stuttgart Pupils' Theatre Festival in 2002 and the National Promotion Prize "Making Music Moves" 2008 of the Hamburg Mannheimer Foundation, at Children to Olympus 2010, individual prize winner at "InTakt 2010" of the Miriam Foundation and at "Jugend engagiert 2013" of the PSD L(i)ebensWert Foundation (first prize in the culture category). In his publications, he makes his scientific and artistic-pedagogical work accessible to a broad professional audience
At the Musikhochschule Trossingen he was responsible for numerous interdisciplinary stage projects, including Die Geschichte vom Soldaten - Strawinsky goes Rap; I have a dream. A musical-scenic revolution with music by Luciano Berio; networked - stage project with regional visual artists; night plays; Several Men. Scenic premiere with texts by Ror Wolf and music by Uwe Kremp. Again and again he himself appears as an artist on stages and in public spaces, most recently in performances with Thomas Wenk in Geneva and with Simon Pfeffel in Berlin, with Dorothea Weise in Quebec/Canada and with BEATSTIMPER throughout Germany, including at the German Protestant Church Congress in Berlin and at the German Prevention Day in Hanover. Prof. Dr. Zaiser is the designated director of the Institute for Music and Movement, heads the master's programmes Music-Movement-Language and Rhythmic-Performance as well as the externally funded project "Theatre with Music - an Artistic-Pedagogical Teaching Research Project with a Focus on Inclusion" which he successfully acquired. In the Bachelor's programmes Music & Movement he teaches rhythmics, scenic design and adult didactics. He supervises and assesses written works in Bachelor and Master programmes from the entire music pedagogical spectrum.
Prof. Dr. Zaiser is deputy chairman of the Arbeitskreis Musik und Bewegung / Rhythmik an Hochschulen AMBR e.V., cash auditor of the Landesvereinigung Kulturelle Jugendbildung Baden-Württemberg LKJ BW e.V. and the Rhythmikverband BW e.V., appointed university representative at the Arbeitskreis Leitender Musikpädagogischer Studiengänge ALMS e.V. and the AG künstlerisch-pädagogischer Studiengänge - an institution of the Rectors' Conference of the Universities of Music.
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