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Tuition fees and costs

All students must pay a semester fee (administrative costs and the Studierendenwerk fee) when they enrol, re-enrol or when they take a leave of absence. If additional tuition fees are incurred, you will receive a separate tuition fee notice. (Exception: contact studies; here ONLY the tuition fees must be paid, no semester fee).

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Enrollment after Winter Semester 2017/2018

  • Tuition fees for international students 

Beginning with the Winter Semester 2017/2018, international students who are not citizens of an EU/EFTA country must pay a tuition fee in the amount of €1,500 per semester. 
This applies to the Bachelor, consecutive Master, and state examination programs.

  • Tuition fees for a postgraduate degree

Students who are taking up a second or further course of study in an undergraduate course (Bachelor or State Examination course) or in a further (also consecutive) Master after completing a university degree within Germany, must pay a tuition fee in the amount of €650 per semester (second program fee) beginning with Winter Semester 2017/2018.

  • Tuition fees for a postgraduate Master's degree:

For the following postgraduate Masters programs, a tuition fee in the amount of €650 per semester will be charged:

Chamber Music | Song Interpretation | Opera | Vocal Ensemble | Performance | New Music | Music & Movement | Music Education | Conducting | Ensemble Direction | Class Music-making | 3rd and 4th Stage of Life | Orchestra | Extended Music Education | Musicology

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Fees per Semester

 Enrollment after WS 2017/18
Bachelor/Secondary Education (Schulmusik) and consecutive Master programs€1,500 - only for Students from countries outside the EU/EFTA
Second study program (Bachelor or Master) for students from Germany or EU/EFTA€650
 Enrollment after WS 2018/19 
postgraduate/non-consecutive Master programs according to the  bylaws€650
Post-graduate Konzertexamen€1000
Doctoral studies-
Contact Studies (artistic)€1,400 Summer Semester |  € 1,600 Winter Semester 
Contact Studies (artistic-pedagogical and musicological)€500
Youth class€420 SS | € 540 WS
Guest Student
Administrative Fee€80.00
Student Union Contribution Fee€58,60


Possibilities for Financial Support

Information about financial support such as BAFöG or scholarships: Info Center > Possibilities for Financial Support

Information on the subject of student fees is available in English on the website of the Ministry for Science, Research, and Art of Baden-Württemberg: https://mwk.baden-wuerttemberg.de/.

How You May Qualify for a Fee Waiver


Tuition fees in post-graduate Masters programs and post-graduate programs according to the bylaws of the Trossingen University of Music (in German):

Tuition fees according to the bylaws

Doctoral students do not pay any tuition fees.